"Boots Country" Karaoke

365 N. Parkview Ct. | Dillon, MT 59725
(406) 683-4514

"Boots Country"  Karaoke
Karaoke Do's and Don'ts?


  • Be Courteous to all singers and show them your support.
  • Take care of the songbooks, they are expensive.
  • Sing into the top of the microphone in a strong, clear voice.
  • Pick one song at a time. (Sing one, Bring one)
  • Challenge yourself. Try new songs.
  • Be Patient while waiting your turn to sing.
  • Remember, your host can help your singing performance.
  • Be a lively audience member. Applaud generously.
  • Loosen up, and let the music move you. Have Fun.
  • Sing to your audience and they will listen.


  • Don't worry if you're not a great singer. The idea is to have fun.
  • Don't pick songs you are not familiar with.
  • Don't sing unless invited by the singer or the karaoke host.
  • Don't sign-up unwilling singers without their knowledge.
  • Don't swing the microphones by their cords or juggle wireless mics.
  • Don't smoke or bring drinks on stage.
  • Don't tap on or scream into the microphone.